These guidelines are based on the working folder located here.
Initial conditions: the 0/ folder
1) The include/ sub-folder
A call to a dictionary located in the
#include "include/boundaries"
type zeroGradient;
Similarly, it can become handy to group the initial conditions into a single file by calling the
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class volVectorField;
object U;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
#include "include/initialConditions"
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
internalField uniform $velocityField;
After repeating this operation for every field in the
Ttr 300;
Tve $Ttr;
Tsurf 810;
pressure 5.18655;
UxInlet 1.131e4;
velocityInlet ($UxInlet 0 0);
velocityField (0 0 0);
velocityWall (0 0 0);
Y_N2 0.767;
Y_O2 0.233;
Y_NO 0;
Y_N 0;
Y_O 0;
A simple bash or python script can edit the entries of this single dictionary and running parameterized simulations becomes much easier.
2) Species mass or molar fractions
Either the mass or molar fractions of all species appearing in the species() list must be given in the
To initialise the simulation using molar fractions instead, rename the species files with the prefix “X_”, for example: X_N2. The
X_N2 0.79;
X_O2 0.21;
When both species mass and molar fractions are given in a time folder, the simulation will (re)start using the species mass fractions.
2.1 Non-catalytic wall
A non-catalytic wall BC can be set-up using the
type zeroGradient;
2.2 Super-catalytic wall
For a super-catalytic wall, the mixture composition at the surface is that of the free-stream and its implementation is as follows
type fixedValue;
value uniform $Y_#speciesName;
type fixedValue;
value uniform $Y_#speciesName;
3) Temperature fields
3.1 Trans-rotational temperature
The trans-rotational temperature field is printed as Tt and must always be present in the
- An isothermal wall
wall { type fixedValue; value uniform $Tsurf; }
- An adiabatic wall
wall { type zeroGradient; }
- A wall with the Smoluchowski trans-rotational temperature jump BC
wall { type nonEqSmoluchowskiJumpT; accommodationCoeff 1; Twall uniform $Tsurf; value uniform $Tsurf; }
3.2 Vibro-electronic temperature
3.2.1 Single vibro-electronic energy pool formulation
Please refer to D. §2.1 if you are not familiar with this code feature.
The mixture vibro-electronic temperature field is called Tv and must be present in the
type nonEqSmoluchowskiJumpTvMix;
accommodationCoeff 1;
Twall uniform $Tsurf;
value uniform $Tsurf;
3.2.2 Multiple vibro-electronic energy pools formulation
Please refer to D. §2.2 if you are not familiar with this code feature.
The species vibro-electronic temperature fields are called Tv_#speciesName and there are as many fields as there are species in the
type nonEqSmoluchowskiJumpTv;
accommodationCoeff 1;
Twall uniform $Tsurf;
value uniform $Tsurf;
4) Velocity field
4.1 Maxwell velocity slip
The Maxwell velocity slip BC has been slightly re-written (the mean free path is now calculated according to the model chosen in the
type nonEqMaxwellSlipU;
accommodationCoeff 1;
Uwall $velocityWall;
refValue uniform $velocityWall;
valueFraction uniform 1.0;
thermalCreep true;
curvature true;
value uniform $velocityWall;
4.2 Linear inlet ramp
The velocity at an inflow patch can be set to increase linearly with time from an
For example, a 0.1 ms-long linear increase in velocity from 50 m/s to 1000 m/s with no angle of attack nor slip angle (U is thus aligned with the x-axis: (1 0 0)) is obtained by setting up the
type rampInlet;
refValue uniform (1 0 0);
offset (50 0 0);
amplitude 1000;
tRamp 1e-4;
To use the
libs ("libstrathFiniteVolume.so");