
hyperFoam is a hybrid CFD-DSMC solver that uses hy2Foam (CFD) and dsmcFoam+ (DSMC) to resolve flow-fields in the slip-transition regime. Using a mixture of Boyd’s gradient-length local Knudsen number (KnGLL) and a modified generalised Chapman-Enskog parameter, hyperFoam is capable of identifying continuum and rarefied zones within the computational domain and solve each with its respective CFD or DSMC solver. hyperFoam has been used to simulate several Couette flows, each of different complexity, and good agreement was shown between the DSMC and hybrid results for these simulations. Furthermore, reasonably similar accuracy was found between the DSMC and hybrid results for a Mach 6 Knudsen 0.01 flow over a cylinder.

The source code will be released open-source after journal publication.

This work was initiated at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) and was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) from February 2014 until early 2017.
Volunteering work from 2019 onwards.